Your Path to a Safer, More Pleasant Birth Experience Starts Here!
'How to Prevent Unnecessary Trauma in Childbirth: A Roadmap'
'How to Prevent Unnecessary Trauma in Childbirth: A Roadmap'
Have you ever wished that you could just go from being pregnant to holding your baby in your arms, without having to give birth?
Does it make you nervous?
...That it all seems to boil down to luck, (so if you’re really lucky, your birth will go smoothly, and if you’re not, then things can really get out of hand)?
...That scary things tend to happen a lot when people give birth, and even though you truly hope that none of those things happen to you, you have no real plan of action for avoiding them?
...That even though you really want to be okay throughout the birth process, it seems like you might have to sacrifice that desire to make sure that your baby is okay?
…That it feels as if you have little or no control over how things are going to turn out during labour and delivery?
Giving birth to a baby can often seem like a crazy rollercoaster ride where you have to brace yourself for the worst, and hope for the best − but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Imagine if you could become one of those women that tells her birth story with a smile on her face because of how well it went...
Imagine if someone could let you in on the secrets that have worked for a lot of the women that people tend to see as ‘lucky’, (because their birth experiences have been great)...
Imagine if someone could walk you through practical steps that you can take to drastically reduce your chances of having a traumatic experience when you give birth.
Wouldn’t it be great?
… To take the guesswork out of the birthing process so that you can breeze into it with confidence, rather than being anxious and afraid?
… To understand what to do to position yourself and your baby for a pleasant experience, so that you don’t have to rely solely on your medical team to make that happen for you?
… To not have to go into your birth experience blindly, but be well prepared and assured that you can make the right decisions for you and your baby?
… To know that you’ve been helped to prepare yourself by someone who has successfully helped other women to achieve the positive birth experience that you desire?
There are key things that all birthing mothers really should be made to understand that can significantly impact how they get to experience childbirth. Sadly, the majority of women never get taught those things − but you have a chance to make sure that’s not your story.
The Birthing Blissfully Program
The Birthing Blissfully Program is an online program that empowers expectant mothers to be proactive in aiming for a positive birth experience.
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Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up
The Birthing Blissfully Program will run across 4 weeks, with training content delivered online, so you can access it from anywhere in the world and learn at your own pace. There will be a live strategy call every week for the duration of the program.
4 Weeks of Value-Packed Training
Delivered online for you to go through at your own convenience
Weekly Strategy Calls
Weekly group strategy calls to interact / ask questions in real time for the duration of the training
Online Learning Materials
Supplementary online learning materials accessible from anywhere and at any time
5-Year Access
Once you're in, you're in, and for 5 years, you receive all updates to the core course materials for free!
Here’s what people are saying...
Mollie .O.
"Even though I'd had a previous birth and did my thorough research before then, this information was new to me, and I wish I’d had it on hand back then. I literally had my Birthing Blissfully notes open throughout my labour. I can’t recommend this enough. It prepared, equipped and empowered me to meet my baby and I definitely saw the impact and difference it made from my last pregnancy. I was so calm and in control and everything went without a hitch or complication; even the midwives couldn’t believe it."
Nimz .I.
"At one point, everyone in my delivery room was in a panic, and at that point, I had to use what I’d learnt from Ibiene about following my body’s natural inclinations. To my utter amazement, everything went smoothly, and I am eternally grateful that I took the time to learn from Ibiene."
Abi .M.
"I was skeptical about labour and delivery because some family members and friends had experienced traumatic labour and delivery, but after I took The Birthing Blissfully Course, I felt prepared and confident and I had a positive birth experience where everything went well. The tips were brilliant, but I also liked that the importance of [your beliefs] was included in the course. Go for it, The Birthing Blissfully Course is worth it!"
Course Breakdown
Here’s how every part of The Birthing Blissfully Course plays a role in helping you achieve the positive birth experience that you desire...
In Module 1:
- You’ll be made aware of some of the most common mistakes pregnant women make, so you can take the necessary steps to avoid them
- You’ll get an understanding of why the general approach to childbirth at the moment doesn’t work in the favour of birthing mothers, and the mindset shifts that can help you avoid trauma
- You’ll come away with an easy-to-follow framework that makes the various bits of information around childbirth preparation easy to remember, and reduces the likelihood of overwhelm
- The definitive checklist of all the essential things a pregnant woman needs to know, do and prepare for if aiming for a blissful birth, that is provided will give you a clear picture of your current level of knowledge and preparedness, and help you track your progress
By the end of this module, the reasons why you can expect to feel more confident approaching your birth experience, (especially after going through this process of learning), will become clearer to you.
In Module 2:
- We take a look at the damaging effects that childbirth fears and limiting beliefs can have on how you get to experience childbirth
- We explore simple strategies that can be used to tackle them spiritually and practically, so that they do not undermine your efforts to achieve the birth experience that you desire
- Exercises to put the strategies into practice are included, and when completed, these will also serve as a point of reference for tackling fears throughout the rest of your pregnancy journey
- We address the role that spiritual principles have to play, and the importance of combining both spiritual and non-spiritual activities as the most effective approach to obtaining the outcome you desire
By the end of this module, you should have the tools to make a headstart on confronting your limiting beliefs and fears, so that they do not sabotage your efforts to prepare yourself for a blissful birth.
In Module 3:
- We explore the concept of the female body having the perfect toolkit for giving birth to a baby, and how that toolkit can be mastered to be able to use it skillfully during the birthing process
- We take a look at specific actions that can be taken during pregnancy to maintain the birthing toolkit, so that it can perform optimally during the birth process
- You will gain some insight into the real reasons behind natural childbirth advocacy, and the things that you might want to take into account before you make any birthing decisions
- You will be introduced to the way in which what is required of you changes as you progress through the different stages of labour, so that you do not unknowingly work against what should be working in your favour during the childbirth process
By the end of this module, you should understand the power that lies in educating yourself on the key elements of the female body that are important for childbirth, and the simple things you can do to assist the female body in doing what it is naturally designed to do − which is to give birth seamlessly.
In Module 4:
- All the key action points from the course are presented in a simple formula that highlights what you need to do on a day-to-day basis during your pregnancy, so that they are easy for you to remember
- We zero in on a few things that you can practise for the actual labour and delivery experience, which are beneficial but often overlooked
- You will receive pointers on how to use the power of routine and consistency to your advantage as you master and maintain your birthing toolkit
- We walk through realistic steps you can take to ensure you feel supported in the right ways by your spouse and other key individuals in your life
By the end of this module, you should be left with no confusion as to what exactly you should be doing on a day-to-day basis during your pregnancy, and how you can effectively use that time in a way that will culminate in a positive birth experience for you at the end of the journey.
In Module 5:
- We cover the key elements to consider when putting together a birth plan that is more than just a wish list, and can actually get you the results you want
- You will be introduced to a valuable tool that can assist you in making the types of informed decisions that you can be comfortable with, because you truly believe they are the best decisions for you and your baby
- We address other plans that are often overlooked when preparing for childbirth, but which can be great contributors to stress and confusion right before and after the baby is born, so they can be taken into account in your planning
- We highlight some seemingly unimportant things that often lead to significant problems during the childbirth process, so that you do not fall victim to them
- You’ll also receive some pointers on how you can still have a blissful birth (where possible), if things go in a contradictory direction to what you hoped for
By the end of this module, you should have a clear plan of action for the big day and the activities that usually surround it. You should also understand why adequate and effective preparation for childbirth leads to confidence, and why birthing mothers with the right knowledge have drastically higher chances of a pleasant experience − of which you’ll now be one.
And there's more...!
Exclusive Online Support Group
An intimate online group, reserved only for those enrolled on The Birthing Blissfully Program.
A space to connect with like-minded moms, share experiences and support one another, for the duration of the training.
Birthing Blissfully Course Worksheets and Childbirth Affirmations
Enjoy empowering affirmations, visually-engaging infographics and easy-to-follow worksheets that complement the course activities, to help boost your confidence and deepen your understanding,
The Definitive Checklist
A definitive checklist of all the essential things a mom-to-be should know, do and prepare for in order to position herself for a blissful birth experience.
This resource also helps you track your progress through the program, and celebrate your learning journey!
Meet Your Instructor,
Ibiene Warmann
Ibiene is the host of The Birthing Blissfully Podcast and the visionary founder of The Birthing Blissfully Program.
She specialises in empowering women with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate childbirth confidently and avoid common pitfalls that can lead to traumatic experiences.
Her teachings have guided numerous women towards safer, more pleasant birth outcomes. Recently, she has expanded her reach with the Birthing Blissfully YouTube Channel, where she continues to share her insights and make a lasting impact on childbirth experiences worldwide.
What would it be worth to you to tackle your childbirth concerns and avoid a traumatic experience?
That is the opportunity before you today.
Eliminate the guesswork.
Enrol in The Birthing Blissfully Program now.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a payment plan available for this program?
What is the refund policy for this program?
Is my birth experience guaranteed if I complete this program?
Am I too early / late in my pregnancy to enrol on the program?
What can I do if I can't afford the program?
Is there an option for private one-on-one coaching?
If you encounter any problems while trying to enrol, please contact us at